Audio applications are dependent on the networks between all devices functioning optimally

NETZO is the brand and the collective name for products that are part of the range (the network), such as connectors, cable and other things that fit in.
All these goods are an important link for how the music is presented in the facility. What ties the parts together into a whole and functioning application.

Wireless in all its glory, but a fixed connection has many advantages

NETZOcap is the brand for film capacitors used in audio applications

Here you find connectors in bulk and cables per meter.
This is for the handy (DIY) person who can assemble a finished solution himself.

We also have some accessories that are ready to use.
Completed cabling and other units are available here.


Just finished wiring is a big topic.
So we have created our own brand for our cables, NETZOcables, which are manufactured in Sweden or co-produced with other parties.


Network Zone Technology
by Lukase AB, Sweden